We are 58-days away from the National Park Centennial on August 25th, 2016. I am going to take you on a lightning fast tour of the parks that we have visited. Yesterday was Cuyahoga Valley and Ohio.
Today we take you to Isle Royale in Michigan. In the middle of Lake Superior it carries the distinction of being the largest island in the largest freshwater lake in the world. It is lush and beautiful and full of mosquitoes (at least when we were there). There are wolves and moose and some magical hiking trails. Here are some favorite photos!
This is quote at the visitors center that has stuck with me the entire trip
We were told that this beach was pretty and sometimes had moose out in the shallows...we did not see any!
We hiked the Feldtmann Loop, this is Feldmann Lake, wait until you see what is in it...
These are the leeches that we saw in the lake, they were 4-5 inches long, we did not go swimming
While it rained on us for one day, we did get to see a good number of flowers
Early in the trip we traded bread for tortillas when we were on hikes, it was a good decision!
Sunset at Huginnin Cove over cribbage