4-days into our 59 day countdown to the National Park Service Centennial we give you Theodore Roosevelt National Park, the 4th park that we visited in 59in59.
Teddy Roosevelt brought us some incredible views of wildlife with buffalo as well as an astounding sunset in the petrified forest. We rescued a ranger with a flat tire and I cut my beard to be more Rooseveltian.
This first photo of a buffalo with dust coming off his back holds a very distinct memory for me. I remember stopping the car on the scenic loop and thinking 'This is it. It's happening, it's beautiful, it's what I was hoping for.' There was something about the light and the way that it hit the dust coming off the buffalo. There are points in your life when decisions are affirmed. That moment was one of the most affirming moments on the entire trip, it was early on and it helped me realize that what I was doing was the right thing.
Also, I want to give a huge shout out to Warby Parker for giving us glasses, sunglasses and a monocle with which to make the journey. They also gave us some sunglasses to help others #seesummerbetter and leave at trail heads along the way
This is the life affirming photo
A Teddy quote to continue the affirmation
Sunset in the petrified forest
Sunset during one of our hikes
An overlook in the North unit of the park
A special thanks to Warby Parker for the monocle and glasses to hand out along the way